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Return to harmony – Alfreda Walkowska (Powrót do harmonii – wersja angielska)


Poprzednia najniższa cena: 34,90 .

Bestseller! Książką Powrót do harmonii, będącą pierwszą polską prezentacją programu zdrowia wg św. Hildegardy, dr Alfreda Walkowska dała początek fali ogromnego zainteresowania Świętą znad Renu w Polsce. Przez wszystkie te lata dzieliłam się z innymi ludźmi całym dostępnym mi bogactwem medycyny Świętej z Bingen. Wielu osobom Hildegarda pomogła i pomaga nadal w sposób prosty, skuteczny i pełny. Alfreda Walkowska fragment „Od autora” WERSJA ANGIELSKA

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Return to harmony
Author: Alfreda Walkowska

Alfreda Walkowska – Doctor of Theology, precursor of theology of medicine, expert in the achievements of St. Hildegard, Director of the “Study of St. Hildegard of Bingen. Academic Theological Course” at the Pontfical Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw, Poland. The founder of the Polish Center of St. Hildegard with its main office in Legnica. Editor-in-chief of the quarterly “Hildegarda”. Author of numerous publications; publisher, translator; founder and president of the first Polish Association of St. Hildegard in Poland. Associated with the Benedictine Institute of Culture in Tyniec, Poland since 2007 as initiator and leader of workshops and retreats with fasting according to St. Hildegard. Winner of the 2023 Special Phoenix Award for “diligent promotion of a lifestyle based on environmental awareness and dissemination of Catholic culture in Poland and around the world”.
Since 1992, Dr. Alfreda Walkowska has been spreading knowledge about St. Hildegard of Bingen. The book Return to Harmony, which is the first Polish presentation of the health program according to St. Hildegard by Dr. Alfreda Walkowska, began a wave of great interest in Poland of the Saint from the Rhine.
“Over the years of sharing the wealth of St. Hildegard’s medical and nutritional wisdom, I have witnessed its benefits for many people. St Hildegard’s approach is not only a system for diagnosing and treating maladies but a straightforward manner for promoting a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. Through the application of her teachings, people can heal both body and soul. Accepting this, man sets right his relationship with God. The harmony of creation intended by the Creator is thus realized.”
Alfreda Walkowska, excerpt from “Author’s note”

ISBN 978-83-6104-647-9
Oprawa miękka
Liczba stron: 160
Wymiary: 145 x 205 mm
Rok wydania: 2024 (wydanie I, wersja angielska)
Wydawnictwo: Hildegarda Sp. z o.o. / Polskie Centrum św. Hildegardy ® dr Alfreda Walkowska, 31-138 Kraków / 59-220 Legnica, Polska

Informacje dodatkowe

Waga 0,22 kg

Polskie Centrum św. Hildegardy

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0 kg


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© 2006 - 2025 Polskie Centrum św. Hildegardy ® dr Alfreda Walkowska
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